Sunday, August 18, 2013

6 month Sweetie

Sweetie is a good word to describe Evelynn at 6 months, that and a little toot, wiggle worm, squeeler, fireball.  I tell you, that girl is going to be a handful once she figures out how to get moving.  Just to give example, the other day I sat Evelynn on the floor in Silas's room while I started a load of laundry a few feet away, and when I turned around she was gone.  I quickly found her playing with toys under Silas' bed. Then, I put her hair in pig tails yesterday.  I set her down to strip the sheets off the bed, turned around and one rubber band was missing- swallowed.  I gotta keep my eyes on that girl!

I put one pigtail back too far so you can't see it from the front.  It took forever to get a picture of the top/back view because She kept turning to look at the camera.

Before we had fully decided on our name for our girl, I hesitated with Evelynn because I knew that it would be difficult for the people around here to say.  And I was right.  I don't think anyone says it correctly.  It normally comes out as "Ellen", "Evan", "Elyn" or some variation. I have thrown around the idea of giving her a Hindi name, but I just can't decide.  I should just have people call her Sophia.  Of course everyone calls her "Guria" meaning "doll". They say that she looks exactly like a doll.

At this point Evelynn has tried to eat oats, banana, and rice cereal, but she hasn't really taken to any of them.  I think she is just too full from her milk and isn't hungry.  It is hard for me to get her to drink much milk before she goes to bed around 7:15, so she has been getting up around 10:30 every night to feed and then one more time before my alarm goes off at 5:30.  Silas was sleeping from 7:30-6 by 4 months, so I am having a difficult time figuring her out. One thing I know is that she eats when she wants to- you can't make her stock up on milk or cereal before going to bed.

Funny Habits: She is not a peaceful eater.  She is always playing with hair or looking around while she nurses.  She always puts her left hand behind her head before she goes to sleep- it is a good signal that she is sleepy.

She just got in 2 teeth.
Still in mostly 3-6 month clothing

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