Monday, June 13, 2011


Since it takes a long time to daily living activities here, and since learning a new language takes a lot of time and energy, I have a house helper, well kind of. Meena comes to our house Monday-Saturday at 8am and does the dishes from the day before, sweeps the floors, and mops. This is great, but we have communication issues. My Hindi is VERY minimal and Hindi is not her first language so it isn't all that clear. I would prefer for her to come a little later than 8, so on Saturday JP asked her if she could come at 9 and we thought she said that she would be here at 9:30. So this morning at 7:45, still in my pajamas, Meena shows up. (I am the kind of person who likes to straighten up a little before the house helper comes, so I was not quite ready for this). So before she left this morning I pulled out my text book and tried to ask her what time she would be coming tomorrow. I think she understood me, but I did not understand her answer, so I wrote down 9:00? She then said 11:30 (I understand this and then double checked). I said that was ok, but then she said something about 8:00- I gave her a very puzzled look, she laughed and then she had me check her work on the dishes. I don't know what time she is coming tomorrow, but I will try to be ready at 8.

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