Tuesday, May 31, 2011


A few days ago we landed on the other side of the world! It is hard to believe that we are actually here, and thanks to jet lag (made much worse when you have a baby unable to sleep in the middle of the night) "here" is simply a physical term and not necessarily mental.

Our first two days here were planned for us, but not too busy. We went to lunch, the grocery store (impressed by all the American items you can find), to get Birthday ice cream... and I went to buy some new South Asian clothing. That was fun. So many fun, vibrant choices in fabric. This morning I wore my new outfit to a little local church. We left our shoes outside the door, covered our heads, and divided into male/female sides of the room as we sat on the floor under blowing fans. Afterward we went to the new fancy mall where I found a wonderful thing that America could truly learn from - they had a mother's nursing room: comfy couch, cool A/C, changing table... it was nothing fancy but such a convenient touch.

Other than not sleeping through the night, Silas has done wonderfully!! He does not mind walking around, riding in auto rickshaws, sitting in restaurants, being passed around by unfamiliar South Asian and white people. What a blessing he is! I do pray for him as he adjusts to the heat here- it is a challenge for all us.

(pictures to come)


Sunday, May 01, 2011

Playing Drums and Sitting Up

The beginning of this week Silas started being able to sit up on his own for quite a while. It is still necessary to stay close by because he does unintentionally fall every few minutes our of excitement or reaching too far for something, but this is a step in a wonderful direction! It is so much fun to sit!