Saturday, September 10, 2011

No Power

I finally have time to post on the blog, but we have been without power for about 5 hours so our computer is about out of juice (and our food is probably going bad in the refrigerator).  I am afraid the power will go out mid-writing so I will just keep it simple. 
I have been away because our hard drive mysteriously stopped working :(.  Our computer is up and running but it does not have all of our old programs installed and our picture software has not been installed.  This has been an annoying glitch, but we have survived.  Please pray for our hard drive. ( I realize that we should have backed up our hd, but let's not talk about that.)  We are still attempting to get to our data on our hard drive and all of Silas' pictures from 1 month to 9 months.  I will be very sad if we lose them. 
Will post more when power comes back.

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