Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Some Long overdue Pictures

We had spinach paneer one night for dinner and Silas had a lot of fun putting spinach specks all over his face and in his hair.  Self-feeding is messy but lots of fun!

As I am normally the one behind the camera, Silas and I rarely have our pictures taken together.  I thought this one turned out pretty well. 

Silas loves to scrunch up his nose and put on an intimidating face- here is a side view from our trip up the mountain.

Silas now proudly sports 4 teeth, though it is difficult to get a picture where you can see all of them.  Daddy had to coax Silas to smile for me.

Unfortunately Silas was looking at the other camera, but otherwise a good picture.

So, can you guess what snow capped mountain range is peaking up over the clouds? We were blessed to be there on a clear morning so that we could get a view of Himalayas. 

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