Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Still no Pictures

So, I charged the battery in JPs little camera and have been faithful in taking more pictures (I got some great blackmail photos of Silas), but I cannot find the cord that connects the camera to the computer- so more waiting.
    In other news, we moved into our new place on Saturday evening only to find that ants had taken over our kitchen.  This however was quickly resolved with cockroach chalk.  AMAZING stuff!! They were all dead so quickly.  I have been doing much manual labor the past few days trying to get the place clean.  There was dust all over the floors.  Then we had a welder and carpenter come today to install screen doors and a safety gated on our stairs, so of course much more dust.  I am very thankful for the help of friends.  This house, as expected, is not ideal for a toddler, but we are making it work and I love the neighborhood.  This evening while the carpenters installed the doors I sat outside with a few neighbor women while Silas played in the street (not what is sounds like) with a bunch of children.  I am looking forward to building relationships with these women and watching Silas grow up with their children!

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