Sunday, September 04, 2005

You Know You've Been in Asia Too Long When. . .

I'm sure that there are many things that could go under this title, but I have to talk about the one that I never would have imagined myself doing. It is a common expectation of mine that when I enter a public restroom I will find a squatty, but since moving to a larger city, I have found that I sometimes have a choice. A few months ago I was presented with the choice of using a squatty or a Western. After considering the benefits of both, sanitary reasons won out and I used the squatty. A few weeks later I chose to wait in line for the squatty instead of using the available Western. Now if my nose hasn't gone flat in your mind already, the real climax came when I went to McDonald's last week. There was a long line for the squatty and two open stalls with Western toilets. So, as my Western duty, I walked into the Western stall only to find footprints on the seat (people here stand on toilets because they don't like to sit on them). Naturally my first reaction was, "I'm not going to sit on that!" So, I died my hair black, squinted my eyes, and stood on the toilet seat. Ok, so I still look American (or Russian from the perspective of many Asian people), but I had to laught at myself. It turned out not to be too difficult, but don't worry, I don't plan to be standing on any toilets when I am back in the USA.

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