Sunday, November 05, 2006


This is a little bit of a strange topic for me to be posting for all to see, but it was just so oddly my life that I had to share. I only know of one person who can identify with this nightmare, but if anyone other than Kim has experienced this, I would be love to hear.
So in village houses sometimes there is a place to use the restroom, but a lot of times you have to go outside to do this, and sometimes you have to walk a ways and then go in someone else's home. Because of the amount of water I intake, I usually have to get up and go to the restroom in the middle of the night. Knowing that this is a very difficult thing to do when sleeping in a village, I try not to drink any water after a certain hour so that I can make it through the night without having to get up and go to the restroom. For some reason however, I seldom accomplish this. So imagine, it is five o'clock in the morning. You have been holding it since 3 (i know because my watch has a light), and you are trapped inside a house that is bolted on the inside and you are not sure how to open the door. Plus, even if you did open the door you would have to walk about 50 yards to another house that is most likely locked.
So this is the situation I was in a few nights ago (and I have been in this situation before) when I had my nightmare. I was in a village house and there was no where to go to the restroom but I really had to go (of course I really did have to go, so that part of the dream was real). The villager told me to go outside and just find a spot. When I went outside I was suddenly outside my parents' house (well kind of) in America and I was looking for a place to squat down. But no matter where I went, there was always someone who could see me. I finally just squatted down and then a bunch of people (mostly from my youth group) came out into the yard and were sitting around. This dream had suddenly turned into the going to school with no clothes on dream. I quickly woke up (it was 5:30 and the house was sound asleep) and decided that I must find a way because the real nightmare was reality and not my dream. So I got up as quietly as I could, went over to the door, and took over a minute trying to figure out in the dark how to open the stupid thing. I then found a place to end my agony. After ending my pain I looked up and saw a sky full of stars. Oh so beautiful. Then I went back in the house, rebolted the door, and went to bed.
I hope you got a good laugh out of this story. And if you have any cures for not having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night (I took my last drink at 5pm), please let me know.
Another side not. The local polite word for the restroom is "fangbian"- which means "convenient", but in the countryside it is not so fangbian.

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