Sunday, November 19, 2006


I have a thing for pajamas. With some girls it is shoes, purses, belts... but for me it is pajamas. I love wearing cute pajamas! My summer pjs don't mean very much to me, but my winter ones do. It all started back when I was 7 or something and my mom unknowingly started a tradition of giving us new pajamas every Christmas Eve. This has been a true annual tradition. Even with me on the other side of the world, I have still gotten pjs for Christmas. And they are always so cute! So why am I writing about this right now? Because I discovered a very sad thing today. I was getting my winter stuff out of storage in preparation for the change of seasons and I discovered that the bag with all of my long underwear (very important here) was missing. Somehow it did not make the move from my old apartment to my new one. This discovery did not bother me too much until I realized that my winter pjs were in that bag too. Upon this realization I began to cry. It is strange the things that can make one cry. I miss my blue Paul Frank elephant pajamas from my last Christmas in the states and my green Falalala pajamas from last year. What will I ever do without my pajamas (melodromatic sigh). I realize that life will go on and I will eventually (years down the road) get over the fact that some Asian person somewhere is wearing my pajamas to the market (yes, they like to wear their pajamas in public), but for right now I am going to cry a little. My pajamas are like a security blanket to me. A little bit of home, a little bit of tradition that I was able to bring with me.
Would everyone please have moment of silence for my pajamas. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Thank you!

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