Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Moving on Up!

I was planning to wait until we got to South Asia to start Silas on solid food, but he showed all of the signs of wanting to start, so we gave rice cereal a try a few days before his 5 month birthday. I was amazed how easily he took it. He charged after the spoon and kept wanting more and more. The first time was a little messy because the cereal was really runny, but after that he has been a pretty neat eater. Of course he is also easily distracted when other people are around.

We have started a regular evening routine where Silas eats his rice cereal, Mommy and Daddy eat, and then we all go for a walk around the neighborhood. It is a lot of fun and a good way to wind down after a long and exciting day. When we get home it is bath time, milk time, then bed time. Silas is great at going to bed at night. We just swaddle him and put him in the crip and he doesn't make another peep.

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