Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Cloth Diaper Woes

Warning:  May not be suitable for people without children
As grateful as I am that we received 15 free Bum Genius diapers and no longer have to pay for disposable diapers, I have to say that I strongly dislike them.  I seriously do not understand the people who say "I love cloth diapers".  They are basically saying, I love looking at my child's poop and smelling it while I try to scrape into the toilet..."  Disgusting, gross, yuck, stinky, eeuuuuuuuw!! 
   We started cloth diapering full time about a week ago and it was working really well because Silas was constipated and, well, that is easy to clean.  I worked really hard to try to get him regular (prune juice mixed into his oatmeal did the trick), but now that he is, DISGUSTING!!!  Yesterday morning at 6 I changed Silas' diaper and greatly struggled to get the stupid diaper clean, only to have some of the poo fall on my toe "AAAAAH"- I screamed, JP running in to find me be overly dramatic and making up loathsome verse about cloth diapers.  Yes, I will stick with cloth diapers because disposable are about twice the price here as they are in America and because the waste disposal system here is not so bueno, but I will not enjoy it, and I will never say that "I love cloth diapers.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Um, yes - I feel you. I don't know if you can get them - but I've found flushable liners to be my life saver because all the poo sticks to them and I just peel it off into the toilet. Maybe that would help?