I am over a week late on this post, but Silas is now 2! In some ways he seems so grown up and yet in other ways he is still a baby. Silas has a large vocabulary, especially when it comes to modes of transportation, animals, and fruits. This is partly because he sees things on a daily basis that kids in America only see at zoos or at the farm. Just today, in addition to the normal cows, pigs, goats..., we say an elephant and a horse walking down the main street of town. Despite his large vocabulary, he says a lot of things that make absolutely no sense to us, though he is starting to form intelligible sentences.
Right on schedule for 2, the tantrums have started in full swing. If Silas doesn't like something he lets you know about it with loud sobs. This generally has to do with not being able to watch a video, play outside, eat a cookie, or go in the auto/car with mommy or daddy. Silas has learned to ask for things with "please" though sometimes we have to remind him that he needs to do so in a nice voice.
Silas is small- I don't know how much he weighs, but he is about 34 inches tall. He wears mostly 18-24 month clothing, though pants are often too big in the waist.
He still has the most infectious laugh and sweetest smile. He love to give eskimo kisses (rub noses) and touch and name all of the parts of your face. He is very friendly- goes up to strangers and says "hi" but if mommy and daddy are out of sight he doesn't like it very much. He is a ball of energy and loves to play outside. He loves to "go, go, go" and run down our street. "Come here" is not a command he enjoys very much, but he is learning.
Silas still sings all the time. From worship songs, to ABC, to Happy Birthday, to Hindi. He has now started to make up his own songs to familiar tunes (often having to do with mommy or airplanes/helicopters). Speaking of airplanes and helicopters, he loves them. He has flown in many planes recently and he loves flying (he also enjoys getting scanned at security check).
Elephant for sale at a souvenir shop |
Jungle Birthday party. We celebrated his 1st birthday on the go, so I wanted to do something special for his 2nd birthday. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling so great and had just returned from a medical trip, but we did pull off a small party with American friends and a monkey cake. He loved it! |
Opening his present from his "aunts and uncle"- it was a ball tent. |
Sliding in the park. He loves to go "weee" |
Eating chicken nuggets at the airport. |
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